It's important for us women to know and research everything before getting a cosmetic tattoo. Even though Permanent Makeup is low-maintenance and quickly became a go-to service for a lot of women, there are some things to know if this procedure is right for you.

Is it the same as a regular tattoo? Absolutely, not. Permanent Makeup and tattoo do have its differences. Depth is one of them. When doing Microblading or Powder Brows we are working on the epidermis of the skin and also pigments that we use are supposed to break down over time, allowing for it to slowly fade out.
Permanent Makeup is a two-step process. Initial appointment takes about 2 hours with mapping and shading. Touch up can be done after 4-6 weeks and generally takes about 1 hour. Any adjustments or perfecting takes place at the second appointment. I highly recommend annual touch up appointments to maintain the desired brow results.
Pain or no pain? Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible, so expect little to no pain. Mild swelling is totally normal after the service. I use 5% Lidocaine, which is the highest percentage used during a cosmetic tattoo.
Microblading or Powder Brows? I do recommend Powder Brows over Microblading, because not everyone is a good candidate for Microblading. If you have mature or oily skin Powder Brows is your only option. Powder Brows do tend to heal more natural looking.
Will I lose hair after Permanent Makeup? This is the biggest myth. If anything, it actually helps with the hair growth. Single needle can really stimulate the hair follicle growth. It's a win-win.
Microblading artist can either make or break your look. This is one of the most important steps... When choosing an artist really do your homework and research. Don't get your Permanent Makeup done in nail places, ladies. If Microblading or Powder Brows is not in your budget at the moment, don't just go to anyone, save up! Invest in an artist who suits your style.
